The Reason Montreal Coach Kori Cheverie Keeps a Professional Distance on Game Day

As the head coach of the Montreal Les Canadiennes in the Canadian Women’s Hockey League, Kori Cheverie is known for her dedication to the game and her players. However, on game day, she maintains a professional distance from her team for a specific reason.

Cheverie believes that maintaining a professional distance on game day allows her to make objective decisions and focus on the strategic aspects of the game. By keeping a level head and not getting too emotionally involved with her players, she is able to make decisions based on what is best for the team as a whole, rather than being swayed by personal relationships or emotions.

In addition, Cheverie believes that maintaining a professional distance helps her players to respect her authority and leadership. By setting boundaries and maintaining a level of professionalism, she is able to establish herself as a strong and respected leader within the team.

Furthermore, Cheverie understands the importance of creating a positive and productive team environment. By maintaining a professional distance on game day, she is able to create a sense of discipline and focus within the team, which ultimately leads to better performance on the ice.

Overall, Kori Cheverie’s decision to keep a professional distance on game day is a strategic choice that allows her to make objective decisions, establish herself as a respected leader, and create a positive team environment. By maintaining this level of professionalism, she is able to lead her team to success both on and off the ice.