The Reason Why Horwitz Uses a Green Bat for Mental Health Awareness on Players’ Weekend

Players’ Weekend in Major League Baseball is a time for players to showcase their personalities and connect with fans in a more personal way. One player who has taken this opportunity to raise awareness for mental health is Washington Nationals outfielder Josh Horwitz.

Horwitz has been open about his struggles with mental health throughout his career, and he has used Players’ Weekend as a platform to bring attention to this important issue. One way he has done this is by using a green bat during the weekend’s games.

The color green is often associated with mental health awareness, as it symbolizes hope, renewal, and growth. By using a green bat, Horwitz is not only showing his support for those who may be struggling with mental health issues, but he is also starting conversations and breaking down stigmas surrounding the topic.

In an interview, Horwitz explained his decision to use a green bat, stating, “I want to use my platform as a professional athlete to show that it’s okay to talk about mental health and seek help when needed. I hope that by using this green bat, I can encourage others to do the same.”

By using a green bat for Mental Health Awareness on Players’ Weekend, Horwitz is not only raising awareness for an important cause, but he is also showing that it’s okay to be open and honest about mental health struggles. His actions serve as a reminder that no one is alone in their battles, and that seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness.