Becky Hammon of the Aces addresses claims of mistreatment made by Dearica Hamby

LAS VEGAS — Las Vegas coach Becky Hammon again disputed former Aces player Dearica Hamby’s claim the Aces mistreated her and traded her because of her pregnancy.

Hamby, traded to Los Angeles in January 2023, played for the organization from 2015-22, beginning when the Aces were based in San Antonio. She earned the league’s Sixth Player of the Year award in 2019 and 2020 and won a bronze medal in 3X3 basketball at the Paris Olympics.

Hamby, who went public with her accusations last year, sued the WNBA and her former team in federal court last Monday alleging discrimination and retaliation.

“I’ve been in either the WNBA or the NBA for now 25 years,” Hammon said Sunday after the Aces beat Hamby and the Sparks 87-71. “I’ve never had an HR complaint. Never, not once. I still didn’t, actually, because Dearica didn’t file any. She didn’t file with the players’ union, she didn’t file with the WNBA. Those are facts.

“It’s also factual that nobody made a call about trading her until Atlanta called us in January (2023). That’s a fact. So … it just didn’t happen.”

Hammon previously refuted the allegations, saying in May 2023 that Hamby was traded for strategic reasons, namely putting the club in position to sign likely future Hall of Famer Candace Parker.

“We made the decision to move Hamby because we could get three bodies in her one contract, and we wanted to get three more people in,” Hammon said at the time. “I think it’s very evident (with) who we signed on why we made the move.”

The WNBA investigated the matter and in May 2023 suspended Hammon for two games without pay. The club also was docked their first-round 2025 draft pick for providing impermissible player benefits involving Hamby.

Hamby insisted the league didn’t go far enough. She filed a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission in September saying she was discriminated against and amended the filing in October. According to the lawsuit, the EEOC ruled in May she had a “right to sue.”

Becky Hammon, assistant coach of the Las Vegas Aces, recently addressed claims of mistreatment made by player Dearica Hamby. In a statement released to the media, Hammon expressed her regret that Hamby felt mistreated and emphasized her commitment to creating a positive and inclusive environment for all players on the team.

Hamby, a key player for the Aces, had spoken out about feeling marginalized and disrespected by the coaching staff. She alleged that she was not given the same opportunities as her teammates and that her concerns were not taken seriously by the coaching staff.

In response to these claims, Hammon acknowledged that there may have been misunderstandings and miscommunications between herself and Hamby. She stated that she is dedicated to fostering open and honest communication with all players and is committed to addressing any issues that may arise in a timely and respectful manner.

Hammon also emphasized the importance of creating a supportive and empowering environment for all players, regardless of their background or experience. She reiterated her belief in the value of diversity and inclusion in sports and expressed her desire to work collaboratively with Hamby to address any concerns and improve the team dynamic.

Overall, Hammon’s response to Hamby’s claims demonstrates her willingness to listen, learn, and take action to ensure that all players feel valued and respected within the Aces organization. It is clear that she is committed to fostering a culture of respect, communication, and teamwork within the team, and is dedicated to addressing any issues that may arise in a fair and transparent manner.