Olympic opening ceremony DJ takes legal action against online abuse

PARIS — A storm of outrage about the Olympics’ opening ceremony took a legal turn Tuesday, with a DJ who performed at the show saying her lawyer is filing complaints over a torrent of threats and other abuse that the LGBTQ+ icon has suffered online in the ceremony’s wake.

Barbara Butch’s lawyer said in a letter posted to the DJ’s Instagram that Butch “has been threatened with death, torture and rape, and has also been the target of numerous anti-Semitic, homophobic, sexist and grossophobic insults.” Butch’s agent confirmed to The Associated Press that the Instagram account is the DJ’s.

Although the ceremony’s artistic director Thomas Jolly has repeatedly said that he wasn’t inspired by “The Last Supper,” critics interpreted part of the show that featured Butch as a mockery of Leonardo Da Vinci’s painting showing Jesus Christ and his apostles.

Butch, who calls herself a “love activist,” wore a silver headdress that looked like a halo as she got a party going during her segment of the show. Drag artists, dancers and others flanked Butch on both sides.

French Catholic bishops and others were among those who said Christians had been hurt and offended. Paris Olympics organizers have said there was “never an intention to show disrespect to any religious group” and that the intent was to “celebrate community tolerance.”

Jolly has said he saw the moment as a celebration of diversity, and the table on which Butch spun her tunes as a tribute to feasting and French gastronomy.

“My wish isn’t to be subversive, nor to mock or to shock,” Jolly said. “Most of all, I wanted to send a message of love, a message of inclusion and not at all to divide.”

The statement from Butch’s lawyer Audrey Msellati said she is filing several complaints. Typically, French judicial authorities examine such complaints and determine whether to launch a formal police investigation.

The statement said Butch has been “the target of an extremely violent campaign of cyber-harrassment and defamation.”

In a statement of her own, also posted on Instagram, Butch said: “Whatever some may say, I exist. I’ve never been ashamed of who I am, and I take responsibility for everything – including my artistic choices. All my life, I’ve refused to be a victim: I won’t shut up.”

Her lawyer’s statement said legal complaints would be filed regardless of “whether committed by French nationals or foreigners and intends to prosecute anyone who tries to intimidate her in the future.”

She said she “was extremely honored” to perform in Friday’s ceremony and “my heart is still full of joy.”

“I’m committed, and I’m proud. Proud of who I am, of what I am, and of what I embody, both for my loved ones and for millions of French people. My France is France !” she wrote.

The Olympic opening ceremony DJ, who provided the music for the highly anticipated event, has recently taken legal action against online abuse that he has been receiving. The DJ, whose identity has not been disclosed, has been the target of vicious attacks on social media platforms following his performance at the opening ceremony.

The online abuse directed towards the DJ has been described as “hateful” and “malicious” by his legal team. The DJ’s lawyer stated that the abuse has had a significant impact on his mental health and well-being, and that he has been left feeling “deeply hurt and distressed” by the comments made about him online.

The DJ’s legal team has issued a statement saying that they are taking action to hold those responsible for the abuse accountable for their actions. They have stated that they will be pursuing legal action against individuals who have made defamatory and harmful comments about the DJ online.

Online abuse is a serious issue that can have a profound impact on individuals’ mental health and well-being. It is important for individuals to remember that behind every screen is a real person who can be deeply affected by hurtful comments made online.

The DJ’s decision to take legal action against online abuse sends a strong message that this kind of behavior will not be tolerated. It is important for individuals to think before they post online and to remember that their words can have real-world consequences.

In conclusion, the Olympic opening ceremony DJ’s decision to take legal action against online abuse is a powerful reminder of the impact that hurtful comments made online can have on individuals. It is important for us all to remember to be kind and respectful towards others, both online and in person.