Fernandez excited for the return of NBO to Toronto

After a long hiatus, the National Ballet of Ontario (NBO) is finally making its return to Toronto, and acclaimed dancer Maria Fernandez couldn’t be more thrilled. Fernandez, who has been a principal dancer with the NBO for over a decade, is eagerly anticipating the company’s upcoming performances in the city.

The NBO, known for its innovative choreography and world-class dancers, has been sorely missed by Toronto audiences since its last performance in the city two years ago. Fernandez, who has been with the company since its inception, is excited to once again take the stage and showcase the incredible talent of the NBO dancers.

“I can’t wait to perform in front of our loyal Toronto fans again,” Fernandez said in a recent interview. “The energy and excitement of performing in this city is unlike any other, and I know that our upcoming performances will be truly special.”

Fernandez, who has received critical acclaim for her performances in ballets such as Swan Lake and The Nutcracker, is looking forward to showcasing her skills in front of a Toronto audience once again. She credits the NBO’s artistic director, Carlos Rodriguez, for pushing the boundaries of traditional ballet and creating exciting new works that challenge both the dancers and the audience.

“I am constantly inspired by Carlos’s vision for the company,” Fernandez said. “He is always pushing us to explore new movements and techniques, and I know that our upcoming performances in Toronto will be no exception.”

The NBO’s return to Toronto is sure to be a highlight of the city’s cultural calendar, and Fernandez is excited to be a part of it. With a lineup of exciting new works and classic ballets, the company’s performances are sure to dazzle audiences and leave them wanting more.

“I can’t wait to take the stage with my fellow dancers and share our passion for ballet with the people of Toronto,” Fernandez said. “It’s going to be an unforgettable experience for all involved, and I am so grateful to be a part of it.”