Cooper prioritizes balancing coaching responsibilities between NHL and Team Canada

Coaching in the NHL is a demanding job that requires a significant time commitment and dedication to the team. However, for Tampa Bay Lightning head coach Jon Cooper, balancing his coaching responsibilities between the NHL and Team Canada is a priority.

Cooper has been selected to coach Team Canada at various international tournaments, including the World Championships and the World Cup of Hockey. These opportunities allow him to work with some of the best players in the world and gain valuable experience coaching at the international level.

Despite the demands of coaching two teams, Cooper understands the importance of balancing his time and energy between the NHL and Team Canada. He knows that both teams rely on him to provide strong leadership and guidance, and he takes his responsibilities seriously.

To ensure that he is able to give his full attention to both teams, Cooper has developed a schedule that allows him to effectively manage his time. This includes delegating certain tasks to assistant coaches and support staff, as well as setting aside specific blocks of time for each team.

Cooper also emphasizes the importance of communication and collaboration with both teams. He works closely with his assistant coaches and support staff to ensure that everyone is on the same page and working towards a common goal. This open line of communication helps to prevent any misunderstandings or conflicts that may arise from coaching two teams simultaneously.

In addition, Cooper prioritizes self-care and makes sure to take time for himself outside of coaching. This includes getting enough rest, eating well, and staying active to maintain his physical and mental health. By taking care of himself, Cooper is better able to handle the demands of coaching two teams and perform at his best.

Overall, Jon Cooper’s ability to balance his coaching responsibilities between the NHL and Team Canada is a testament to his dedication, organization, and leadership skills. By prioritizing effective time management, communication, and self-care, he is able to successfully juggle the demands of coaching two teams and continue to achieve success on and off the ice.